Smile Sweater & T-Shirt für Kinder - Ein Aufruf zum Probenähen

Smile Jumper & T-Shirt - Testers call

Here we go -

The SMILLA Sweater has got a baby and now I'm really looking forward to
invite you to test sew the SMILE Sweater & T-Shirt pattern in children's sizes 104 - 164.
technical drawings smile jumper and t-shirt
This pattern was inspired by my older daughter's wish. She wanted a jumper as cool as my SMILLA jumper.

Of course does a wish like this touch my mummy heart.
Smile Jumper in blue

Well, do you know that?

Children often react very sensitively to thick cuffs or seams. If these cuffs are then need to be stuffed into a thick jacket, the reaction can be quite severe.

The SMILLA jumper for adults has a wide elasticated sleeve. A style element that I'm sure my children would find annoying.

I want my children to love the things I sew for them and enjoy wearing them. I'm sure you feel the same way :-)

Smile Jumper & T-Shirt

So I tried out a few versions of the SMILE jumper.

The result is a perfect all-rounder for cooler days or to wear after cooling off in summer. The geometric stitching on the sleeves, which is reminiscent of the SMILLA jumper for adults but rounded off with flat hems, gives the SMILE jumper a particularly beautiful look.

A wonderful addition to the SMILE jumper and ideal for the upcoming summer is the Smile T-shirt - an airy boxy T-shirt.

striped Smile T-Shirt for sewing pattern

SMILE - whether as a jumper or T-shirt, it has plenty of volume its shape and can be worn oversized.

This makes the top a wonderful companion for a longer period of time. It will still fit when the child has grown a little more.

SMILE can be wonderfully combined with trousers and skirts and your child or the child you are sewing SMILE for will love it.


What you need to know


size chart smile jumper and t-shirt

what do you need for smile jumper and t-shirt


The test sewing

The test sewing will take place from 01.05.2024 to 15.05.2024.
If you are selected as a test sewer, you will receive an email from me with the pattern to print out on A4/US letter and the working instructions as a PDF as well as a link for a feedback questionnaire.

Would you like to take part? Apply under the following link, where you will also find all the necessary information about the test sewing.

I'm really looking forward to it and am already very excited.

Sabina from Studio GingerCollage
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1 comment

Liebe Sabina, ich würde dich liebend gern bei dem Probenähen diesem tollen Schnitt unterstützen 🥰. Ich mag gemütlich und coole Kleidung für die Kinder, und genau so, sieht dein Schnitt aus! Ich sehe, es ist einen Sweater oder ein Shirt! Perfekt! Denn Shirts brauchen wir momentan viele, und Pullis lieben wir hier sowieso 🥰. Hab hier 3 Kinder, die gerne selbstgenähtes tragem, aktuell die Größen 104, 122 und 128/134. Würde mich sehr freuen wenn es klappt 💜.
Liebste Grüße,

Carolina Adam

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